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Points To Consider When You Shop For A Soda Fountain

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If you're planning to buy a soda fountain for your restaurant, a restaurant equipment supply company will have all sorts of different models for you to evaluate. You'll want to think about where you plan to situate this piece of equipment, and then note the size of the available space to ensure that you buy a machine that will fit. There are lots of points for you to think about beyond just the size of the machine. Here are some other topics to consider as you evaluate the available soda fountains to ensure that you buy the right machine for your restaurant.

Number Of Valves 

On a soda fountain, the valve is the spout-like piece that dispenses the patron's choice of soda. When you browse a selection of machines, you'll see that the number of valves can vary. Some machines have just a few valves, while others will have a significant number. It's a good idea to think about how many types of soft drinks you want to have available for your patrons. You don't generally want to have any valves out of order because they aren't connected to a supply of soda, so you shouldn't buy a machine with more valves than you think you'll use.

Ice Bin Size

A lot of soda fountains have a built-in ice bin that holds cubed and/or crushed ice. It's common for restaurant patrons to partially fill their cups or glass with ice before they add soda. When you look at different soda fountains, you'll see that the size of the ice bin can vary. You'll generally want to choose a machine that has a large ice bin. This will reduce the likelihood that the bin runs out at mealtime, resulting in frustration for any patrons who want to keep their soft drinks cold.

Lighting And Design

Lots of soda fountains have built-in lighting and a vibrant design. Each of these features will help to make them not only easy to spot from across your restaurant, but also appealing to approach. A soda fountain that doesn't have built-in lighting and a plain design may present challenges. Some of your patrons may ask your staff to direct them toward the soda fountain because they aren't able to spot it with ease. To learn more about soda fountains, evaluate several different models, and find the right one for your establishment, visit a restaurant equipment supply store.
